God Does Save Sinners

This post is the third in a series by Rob Nelsen.

I had the honor recently of joining JeremiahCry Ministries in their annual mission trip to Scotland. It was a blessing meeting brothers from all across the United States who are both solid in their theology and have a passionate zeal to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

While serving in Scotland, I was placed on Mike Stockwell’s evangelism team.

Short-term mission trips provide time to step out of the hustle of everyday life and consider life from a different perspective. I always appreciate the opportunity this provides for reflection.

This series is intended to highlight lessons I learned while in Scotland.

God does Save Sinners

“And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him” Col 1:21-22

For the first time in my entire life, I was given the honor of leading a young man to the Lord. On our final day preaching a young man was speaking to fellow preacher Brady Brewer. Brady led this young man through the gospel, but the young man had apologetic questions. Brady brought me into the conversation and by God’s grace, I was able to answer his questions.

For about an hour I was able to minister to him and give him the gospel. He understood his need for Christ. That no one else could save him from his sin. That he needed to repent of sin and turn to Christ. That the Christian life is one of putting away the comforts of sin and this world and carrying your cross following after Christ. I asked him if he was ready to trust in Christ alone, he nodded his head and said, “I am”.

Rob Nelson witnessing in Scotland, July 2018.

We got the young man connected with a local church, and we got to pray for him. He told me “You know, it’s like God ordained this. Yesterday I prayed and read my Bible for the first time and suddenly the very next day here I am meeting all of you. This is life-changing.”

God is sovereign and He sovereignly draws His people to himself. Often we do not always get to see the fruit of our work, but God is working. We must remember not to grow faint as we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to this dying world.


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