There Are Many Saints Plowing the Lord’s Fields

This post is the fifth and last in a series by Rob Nelsen.

I had the honor recently of joining JeremiahCry Ministries in their annual mission trip to Scotland. It was a blessing meeting brothers from all across the United States who are both solid in their theology and have a passionate zeal to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

While serving in Scotland, I was placed on Mike Stockwell’s evangelism team.

Short-term mission trips provide time to step out of the hustle of everyday life and consider life from a different perspective. I always appreciate the opportunity this provides for reflection.

This series is intended to highlight lessons I learned while in Scotland.

There Are Many Saints Plowing the Lord’s Fields.

“therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” – Matthew 9:38

The whole week I spent in Scotland, I was burdened for the people. They were like sheep without a Shepherd. Many Christians stopped to hear us preach because their country doesn’t have the same amount of solid preachers. We are so spoiled. Of course on the internet, anyone can find great preachers, but it’s another thing to have men preaching directly to you. Thankfully we connected with a local church. The church was humble in size, but the worship was authentic and the teaching was biblical. This gladdened my sorrowful heart that there stand faithful men in Scotland.

I was also immensely encouraged to serve alongside so many men that truly love Christ. Men such as Mike Stockwell, Chuck O’Neal, Ryan Denton, Jeff Rose, Jeff Maples, Robert Gray and the rest of the crew. These men taught me so much by their example. It was such a blessing to pick the brains of everyone and learn.

We are not alone. God has raised up men and woman all across the globe to proclaim his gospel. He has answered the prayer to raise up laborers. Will you, my dear reader, join the ranks? Will you take on the call to proclaim the gospel to all peoples? How about the people God has placed in your neighborhood, school, or job? Read this if you need a kickstart.

Scotland was a life-changing experience. God really did a great work in my heart personally and I pray I do not forget all the lessons I learned. He is faithful. He will succeed in bringing glory to himself from all peoples of the earth.

God bless,


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