Sacred Reminders

This post is the first in a series by Rob Nelsen.

I had the honor recently of joining JeremiahCry Ministries in their annual mission trip to Scotland. It was a blessing meeting brothers from all across the United States who are both solid in their theology and have a passionate zeal to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

While serving in Scotland, I was placed on Mike Stockwell’s evangelism team.

Short-term mission trips provide time to step out of the hustle of everyday life and consider life from a different perspective. I always appreciate the opportunity this provides for reflection.

This series is intended to highlight lessons I learned while in Scotland.

Some things in life are sacred reminders of God’s faithfulness

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, “Till now the Lord has helped us.”  1 Samuel 7:12

Scotland is filled with rich, Christian history. There are buildings still being used today that were built in the 14th century. The towns of Scotland captivate you as you behold the magnificent architecture that fills them. I felt throughout the whole trip that I was fighting for the kingdom of God in Middle-earth. Scotland carries this romantic sensation because they have maintained the relics of their Protestant heritage.

I got the opportunity to see the town of Stirling. I paid ten pounds to enter the William Wallace monument. I got to see his sword. Then we visited a graveyard which contained the Monument for the Martyrs. I felt as if I had discovered a heritage that was my own.

Brother Mike Stockwell preaching the gospel in Scotland, July 2018.

It is important to remember what God has done. What he has accomplished for us personally and collectively as the people of God. I have been challenged to reconsider my flippancy in how I treat even the material things God has given me. One day I will die, and what will I have left to give those who follow Christ after me?

Perhaps I will never be quite as famous as Knox or Livingstone, but I will have children. When I am old I will meet younger men and women who will have a heart set on following God. What can I give them to represent passing the torch? I think we could all take the time to truly be grateful for the things God has given us and treat them well so we can pass them off to the next generation.

We must not forget the most sacred relic, and that is the gospel. The gospel must be protected against heresy or we will lose it. Scotland, unfortunately, has made the mistake of losing the gospel. Many of the Scottish people are proud of their Christian heritage but couldn’t care less for their true and rightful King, Jesus Christ. By and large, they have abandoned the Lord Jesus Christ for idolatry.

This is why we must fight to preserve the purity of the gospel. Many false teachers creep in and want to spoil what God has given us, the message of hope in Christ. Let us remain steadfast in care for the truth of Christ: that he died to save sinners, rose from the grave, and reigns in heaven commanding all men everywhere to repent.


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